Independent Muse

News24 Picks Up Mbeki Bodyguard Story

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Nearly two weeks after the murder of Mbeki’s bodyguard, Captain Francois Ramashile, News24 has finally done a follow-up to the story. As many of you know, I wrote an article about the incident last week and, more specifically, about how it had received rather poor press coverage.

We’re not given much in terms of new information, except that the possibility of a hit has still not been ruled out. The fact that the story has made it back into the media does however mean that we may be getting some more answers in the near future.

Although I’m really pleased that the story’s been featured, I’d just like to point out a small detail: the title of the article is “Mbeki’s Bodyguard Executed?” We all know he wasn’t executed. What we’d really like to know is whether or not he was assassinated. He may have been killed execution-style, but he was not executed. Executed is when you get lined-up against a wall with a blindfold on and a bunch of rifles pointed at you. Usually because you did something that people didn’t like.

Written by Marie-Louise

September 30, 2008 at 6:03 pm

2 Responses

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  1. I thought this was amazing news too when I first learned about it from someone on youtube. Then I found your blog post. I emailed News24 and said that I thought it was frighteningly irresponsible that they had not reported on it. They posted the article you mentioned 1.5 days later.

    Now, they are reporting:

    Lekota bodyguard ‘abducted’
    10/10/2008 21:07
    The bodyguard of Mosiuoa Lekota has allegedly been abducted, and apparently told: “This party you and Lekota want to form, you will form in heaven.”,,2-7-12_2408006,00.html

    But, they failed to mention anything about Mbeki and the obvious similarities.

    Crazy things going on.

    Mbeki's Bodyguard

    October 10, 2008 at 8:02 pm

  2. Although the articles and comments are now months old already I am still wondering about this issue. At the time I wrote to News24 asking the same questions. I also find the media silence on the killing of Francois Ramashile deafening. was anything else ever said on the subject again? It gets just a little scary thinking about the possible motives and or cover-ups behind this particular murder.


    March 6, 2009 at 7:45 pm

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